73rd CHEC Workshop
Prof. Shiizuka Bio: Dr. Hisao Shiizuka is a Professor Emeritus, Kogakuin University, Tokyo. His rearch interests are Affective Science and Engineering, Affective Design, Affective Innovation, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and so on. Now he is the chair of Affective Innovation Society, and also the Society of Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE). He has been published many reviewed papers of the around 450 including English journals, and also he published 17 books.
Abstract: In this lecture, I will talk about basic contents of “research design theory”. I am currently building interest in the research design theory. So it contains important content that leads to innovation.
This time our workshop use sessions to divide different talks.
First Session: For our first session, we will listen to 4 presentations regarding interaction techniques - with pointing and gaze interaction - and affective computing related to HCI experiments and adaptive behavior.
William Delamare One experiment, four projects 11:05 - 11:35 Yumiko & Kouya Investigation of the Flow State in Video Games and HCI Tasks 11:35 - 11:42 Han Zengyi Retouching the Void: Through-and-Back Interaction in VR 11: 42 - 11:57 Daichi Harada Use of eyes in HCI 11:57 - 12:04
Second Session: So the next session is the Engagement session with 2 presentations. Kavous will present his workshop proposal about the concept of ENGAGEMENT that going to be submitted to CHI19 and the second speaker is Lirist. She will persent a computational project about Human brain structure, Personality traits, and Flow Proneness.
Kavous S. NIKSIRAT From UX to Engagement: Theory, Practice, Ethics, and Diversity 13:00 - 13:30 Lirist Modeling Relationship between MRI Images and Behavioral Data Sets using 3D CNN 13:30 - 13:45
Third Session: The main interest of the presentations in this session is to understand how the user plan and control their eye and hand movement during the tasks on smartphone usage, such as basic HCI tasks inclusing pointing, steering..and also more complicated task such as typing.
Xinhui Jiang Eye-hand coordination in touchscreen typing task Evaluation 13:55- 14:25 Haruna Imada Study on eye-hand behavior in smartphone typing task 14:25 - 14:32 Mikina Nambu Eye-hand coordination in pointing task 14:32 - 14:39
Forth Session: Text entry is one of the common tasks when user interact with comutational devices. The main interests of this session focus on further understanding of human capabilities and designing novel text edit methods for facilitating typing performance on smart devices.
Yang Li Extending editability of already-sent messages in IMS systems 14:50 - 15:20 Ayumu Exploring Performance of One Thumb Input using Pointing and Dragging Tasks 15:20 - 15:35 Yoshida Kentarou Eye movement trend during error correction process in smartphone typing task 15:35 - 15:42 Naoki Higashi Progress of Demo Implementation 15:42 - 15:49
Fivth Session: Chen Wang KAKEN Proposal: Evaluating interface design towards developing an aesthetic framework of AI 15:55 - 16:25 Iwamoto Arihiro & Yonezawa Kyouichiro “Aesthetic Rating Website Optimization (The aesthetic preference on webpages between Japanese and Chinese)” 16:25 - 16:35 Seira Overview about work in progress 16:35 - 16:42
The next is for our new comers! We are glad to have 3 new students from this October. Fitra, Yuga, and Anran. In this session, they are going to present their self introduction, and talk about their research interest or new ideas.
Fitra Rahmamuliani Newcomers’ Self introduction and future idea discussion 17:00- 17:10 Yugandhara Suren Hiray Newcomers’ Self introduction and future idea discussion 17:10- 17:20 Anran Wu Newcomers’ Self introduction and future idea discussion 17:20- 17:30