Human-Engaged Computing

Human-Engaged Computing (HEC) is a study of the synergized interaction between humans and computers, as well as phenomena around the interaction.

Human-Engaged Computing (HEC) is a study of the synergized interaction between humans and computers, as well as phenomena around the interaction. It encompasses all aspects of interactions between humans and technologies. Studies in HEC start with an ever deeper understanding of humans, adapting the affordances of technologies to human needs and potentials. HEC drives the evolution of computing with focused emphasis on synergizing the best capacities of humans and computers with a view to enhancing human existence and making a better world for all.


  1. Human Computer Integration versus Powerful Tools. Farooq, U.,Grudin, J.,Shneiderman, B.,Maes, P.,Ren, X., Proceedings of the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17), Denver, USA (May 6 – 11, 2017). pp. 1277-1282.
  2. Rethinking Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults [CHI SIG Meetings 2016]. Charness, N .,Dunlop, M.,Munteanu, M.,Nicol, E.,Oulasvirta, A.,Ren, X.,Sarcar, S.,Silpasuwanchai, C.,., Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ‘16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1131-1134
  3. Leveraging and Integrating Eastern and Western Insights into Human Engagement Studies. Law, E.,Silpasuwanchai, C., Ren, X.,Bardzell, J., Clemmensen, T., Liu, Y., Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI Workshop ‘15)., Seoul, Korea (April 18-23, 2014). New York: ACM Press (ISTP, ACM), pp. 2433-2436