Pen and Finger

Pen and finger become the popular input modalities for interacting with digital devices. This project aims to understand, improve, and design next generation user interface in the domain of pen and touch interactions. The project includes an empirical comparison between finger and pen gestures; proposing new interaction technique on large displays; and the fundamental study of pen-based interactions.

Pen and Finger(b)


  1. Differences and Similarities between Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures on Stationary and Mobile devices [TOCHI 2015]
  2. A Model of Scrolling on Touch-Sensitive Displays [IJHCS 2014]
  3. Evaluation of Flick and Ring Scrolling on Touch-based Smart Phones [IJHCI 2014]
  4. The Impact of Candidate Display Styles for Japanese and Chinese Characters on Input Efficiency [IJHCS 2013]
  5. Optimal Entry Size of Handwritten Chinese Characters in Touch-based Mobile Phones [IJHCI 2013]
  6. Natural Use Profiles for the Pen: An Empirical Exploration of Pressure, Tilt, and Azimuth [CHI 2012]
  7. A Comparative Evaluation of Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures [CHI 2012]
  8. Enhancing Naturalness of Pen-and-Tablet Drawing through Context Sensing [ITS 2011]
  9. Acquiring and Pointing: An Empirical Study of Pen Tilt-Based Interaction [CHI 2011]
  10. Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction [CHI 2009]
  11. The Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Input Boxes on PDAs [IJHCI 2009]
  12. Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces [UIST 2009]
  13. The Adaptive Hybrid Cursor: A Pressure-based Target Selection Technique for Pen-based User Interfaces [INTERACT 2007]
  14. Improving Selection Performance on Pen-Based Systems: A Study of Pen-Based Interaction for Selection Tasks [TOCHI 2000]