Smartphone Interfaces for Older People (JST)

Supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST). , the Academy of Finland (AF) and the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes). It is one of the 3 selleted projects in 16 proposals. Smartphones have become the most widely used platform. In addition, ageing population have rapidly been increased around the world, specially in Japan. This project aims to study novel user interfaces for smartphones that are better suited and adapted to elderly people’s movement capabilities and cognitive functioning.


Older adults, mobile interface design, cognitive models, empirical studies, accessibility, cognitive psychology, gerontology, gerontechnology Smartphones have become the most widely used platform. In addition, ageing populations have rapidly been increased in the world, specially in Japan. Although smartphones applications aim to improve ‘quality of life’ of the users, but often they do not think about ‘designing for older adults’. Thus, of late, older adults find difficulties in accessing smartphone applications. This project aims to study novel user interfaces for smartphones that are better suited and adapted to elderly people’s movement capabilities and cognitive functioning. The project will carry out human-computer interaction and accessibility research on topics including Natural User Interfaces, gesture/touch input, game user interfaces, modeling of human performance etc.


  1. Designing Mobile Interactions for the Ageing Populations [CHI Workshops 2017]
  2. Modelling Learning of New Keyboard Layouts [CHI 2017]
  3. Towards Ability-Based Optimization for Aging Users [IxAP 2016]
  4. Rethinking Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults [CHI SIG Meetings 2016]